I think we ,or should i say the McClarys, got in over their head this time. we put together a little garage tour with the Model A club and invited every one to the McClarys for breakfast. I stopped counting at 34, and that didn't count spouses. But Delores got them all fed.
I don't know about other clubs, but with ours, when there is free food there is always a very good turn out.
I think if one more person showed up they would have had to eat in the bathroom.
Our first stop was at Jim Stafford's He has some really neat cars as you can see. the one I really like is the woodie pictured below.
Jim has a lot old cars and signs and tools and "junk, plenty to look at.
His fascination seems to lie in early 30's trucks.
I don't think these roses among thorns belong here.
Dave is into Packards primarily, like this some what rare coupe pictured below that is very restorable and if I am not mistaken for sale, but he has others also
This is my favorite. I think it is a 32 dual cowl Packard.
Well no we are off tho garage if one of the Model "A" members, Bill Schaeppi.
That is going to be one good looking 31 model a coupe. But, what is with the clean and organized garage. Check out the floor , you can see your face in it
But he is doing a great job with this restoration.
This little truck is a work in progress for another person who gives most of us an inferiority complex by keeping his garage so clean. SO CUT IT OUT!
This is Dean Hinkson's 31 "A" PU.
Next we went to Pete Jackson's for a little presentation put on by John Trumbo about restoration techniques. We also had our lunch catered by the McClary's again. GREAT JOB BOB AND DELORES! Last but not least, we stopped at John Trumbo's to see his work in progress.